This are the steps that I go through when I install Pop!-OS on a new machine.
sudo apt update
# this updates the repositories that download the application updates
sudo apt upgrade
# this actually updates the applications that have an update pending
sudo apt dist-upgrade
# this updates core system files (so far example from Pop-OS 20.04 to Pop-OS 20.10)
sudo apt autoremove
# removes orphaned packages that are not in use.
# it does not purge them.
# add --purge add the end of the command to purge the packages
sudo apt autoclean
# cleans obsolete deb-packages
sudo fwupdmgr get-devices
sudo fwupdmgr get-updates
sudo fwupdmgr update
# This tool allows an administrator to query and control the fwupd daemon
# allowing them to perform actions such as installing or downgrading firmware.
sudo reboot now
# this reboots your pc
Steps found on Willi Mutschler.
<aside> 💡 This will wipe your yubikey if you have saved data on there. I had a static password saved on there and it was gone after this process
<aside> 💡 It is highly recommended that you use 2 yubikeys for this process. That way if one goes missing or breaks you can still use your machine.
sudo apt install yubikey-manager yubikey-personalization
# this are needed packages to control and use your yubikey
# Insert your yubikey
ykman info
# the response should look like this
# Device type: YubiKey 5 NFC
# number: *YOUR SERIAL NO.*
# Firmware version: 5.1.2
# Form factor: Keychain (USB-A)
# Enabled USB interfaces: OTP+FIDO+CCID
# NFC interface is enabled.
# Applications USB NFC
# OTP Enabled Enabled
# FIDO U2F Enabled Enabled
# OpenPGP Enabled Enabled
# PIV Enabled Enabled
# OATH Enabled Enabled
# FIDO2 Enabled Enabled
sudo apt install libpam-u2f
# this allows the yubikey to be used as second factor authentication for sudo commands